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Researches in physics are often carried out in international collaborations. In some cases, physicists from more than 10 countries form a research group. How much the Japanese physicists can contribute to the collaboration in such cases depends on how much they have international leadership. Research facilities and funding are rather of secondary importance. International Physics Leadership Program of Tokyo Tech provides graduate students with opportunities to exercise on the international leadership. Graduate students are expected to acquire the ability to plan research programs by themselves, to organize international physics meetings, and to send out information to the world in English, along with the ability of research in his/her own field.
This program was started in 2005. In this program the graduate students play the main role, Professors provide advices and assist them. Graduate students in doctor course are regarded as real researchers, and they participate in international collaborations. Graduate students in master course learn basic physics and its applications and prepare for doctor course. In this program many chances are provided to graduate students to collaborate with foreign graduate students. Many projects are carried out in larger collaborations than usual research teams in Tokyo Tech. Graduate students can continue the collaboration even after they graduate once they have friends in Japan and in foreign countries.
Therefore, this program provides chances to start off scientific collaborations that continue over decades.
I hope that graduate students of Tokyo Tech make use of this program. |