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How to Apply

 Practical Exercises in Organizing International Conferences,
 Advanced Exercises in Organizing Physics Conferences
1 A predefined application form has to be submitted by 2 weeks before the planned conference/workshop. Even if plural students apply for the same event, individual applicant has to submit the application (and report). The contents of the application can be the same for the same event.
  2 The application form has to be signed/stamped by the supervising professor and submitted to Physics Department Administration Offiice in Honkan 1st floor (at the same time, the file without signature/stamp has to be sent by email to the designated address). The applicant also has to register the course using Educational (Kyomu) Web System for students.
  3 The application will be examined by the committee in charge for approval.
  4 The team has to share the tasks for the event such as choosing the speakers, making agenda, announcing the meeting via poster and email, managing the event and chairing. In principle, English will be used as the 1st common language.
  5 A predefined report form has to be submitted by no later than 3 weeks after the conference/workshop. The report should be sent by email to the designated address.
  6 The committee will evaluate the report and approve the credit. In order to obtain the credit, the applicant has to either give a presentation in the event, or to give at least one (master course) or two (doctor course) questions during the event.
  7 It is possible that master course students (who will register for "Practical Exercises in Organizing International Conferences") and doctor course students (who will register for "Advanced Exercises in Organizing Physics Conferences") cooperate in planning for the same event, and it is indeed recommended.
Credit: 0-1-0
Score evaluation: by the outcome of the planned event and the submitted report
 Advanced Research in Physics
1 The applicant contacts the group about the exchange (the group is not restricted to be in Tokyo Tech as long as the research field is physics) and plans for the exchange event. A predefined application form has to be submitted by 2 weeks before the exchange event.
  2 The application form has to be signed/stamped by the supervising professor and submitted to Physics Department Administration Offiice in Honkan 1st floor (at the same time, the file without signature/stamp has to be sent by email to the designated address). The applicant also has to register the course using Educational (Kyomu) Web System for students.
  3 The application will be examined by the committee in charge for approval.<
  4 The applicant contacts the group and fix the final schedule. It is expected that more than one exchaneg event (such as paper reading or seminar) are scheduled that include the applicant's own presentattion.
  5 A predefined report form has to be submitted by no later than 3 weeks after the exchange events. The report should be sent by email to the designated address.
  6 The committee will evaluate the report and approve the credit. It may ask the supervisor of the group for opinions.
Credit: 0-1-0
Score evaluation: by the submitted report